Art Wall - Mahya Farahbakhsh
17 -31 Jan 2024
Faam Gallery
Marziyeh Ramezani
Faam Gallery's Art Wall is a place dedicated to promoting talented artists. Every two weeks, a new artist is promoted here. This week's Art Wall features a one-of-a-kind collection of original acrylic paintings from Mahya Farahbakhsh, who depicts a thought-provoking story in her paintings.
Mahya Farahbakhsh
Mahya Farahbakhsh is a young and talented Persian artist, who employs a distinctive approach to capture the nuances of emotions and feelings in her acrylic paintings. Within this collection, she skillfully leverages the art of storytelling to articulate a poignant portrayal of both loneliness and anxiety, weaving a narrative that resonates with profound depth and emotion.
Each painting in this collection serves as a chapter in a larger, collective story, inviting the audience to embark on a reflective journey. The artist weaves a tapestry of emotions, utilizing limited hues and closeup scenes to direct the audience attention to the main central subject of her painting.