Siavash Mazloumipour
Siavash Mazloumipour was born in Esfahan, Iran, in 1952. He graduated in Interior Design from the Tehran University of Art. He is an international art-ist whose work has ap-peared in exhibitions in Iran and worldwide in-cluding: the Czech Repub-lic (1978), Japan (1988),New York (2000), Paris (2001), Mexico (2002) and Canada (2009). He is also an accomplished illustra-tor of children’s books and has exhibited widely in this genre also. In Tokyo (1998), Mazloumipour was awarded the Noma Concourse prize for children’s book illustration. He has illustrated a remarkable number of children’s books for the Institute for Intel-lectual Development of Children and Young Adults in Iran.
Mazloumipour’s versatility extends to design
ing more than 200 covers for cassettes of Persian music.
As a skilful artist in watercolour, imaginative creator and Persian Art Master, Mazloumipour wields a pow-erful brush in his artworks. He has achieved many international awards and has several publications on watercolour and Persian illustrations. He has also dedicated his efforts, since 1997, to teaching water-colour painting at his Art Institute.
Exhibitions & Activities
Previous exhibition data not available
2019 - Group exhibition, "Exhibition 26" - opening of the gallery, Faam Gallery, London, United Kingdom